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Ancestral Thinking (2 days)


The Sierra Nevada and Surroundings

Ancestry Thinking (2 Days)

This tourist destination is located in the Colombian Caribbean region on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, it is an attraction that cannot be lost, since it is a territory of indigenous communities, in addition to this, has the presence of the large Rio Don Diego that is born in the snowy, place with a pleasant climate.

This tour gives us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in a fascinating journey along the route of the Tayrona in an adventure through the extensive tropical rainforest characteristic and recharged with an invaluable biological richness; on this Tour we will get to know closely the customs of the Peasant Community, the Etnias Koguis and Arhuacos, heirs of the Tayrona, who still inhabit the territory and preserve their traditions.

  • Transportation and return
  • Food (breakfast and lunch)
  • Professional, Baquian and indigenous kogui dance
  • Travel insurance
  • Enter the reservation
  • Provide peasant communities
  • Provides indigenous communities
  • Confessing tour committee sideside Breaking the Sun.
  • Mulkwakungui entrance
  • Chocolate and malanga experience
  • College of Crafts

 Day 1

Santa Marta – Quebrada del Sol

  • Departure for 1 hour approx in 4 x 4 or motorized vehicle until you reach aa sidewalk called The Linderos, defrom there, starts the journey conto the ravine of the so l
  • Typical breakfast in the town of Quebrada deldel Sol, enwhere you can enjoy dea reception aby dea Baquian guide, who will tell you athrough dea brief historical review, such as fuethe time of los illegal crops and the dedemobilization phase in the region.
  • Walk to the village Kogui “Mulkwakungui” in the company of a traditional Kogui guide, enwhere you will receive the welcome from partethe “Mamo,” the highest indigenous authority; ;there the Koguis will take you on a fascinating tour athrough detheir culture and traditions ((3 hours approx).
  • Workshop transforming delchocolate and lamalanga
  • Traditional peasant lunch on the Quebrada deldel Sol sidewalk
  • Workshop woven debackpack
  • Visit to the farm enwhere you will rest under a pleasant talk about the kogui village, and then visit a lush wells.
  • Back to the sidewalk for rest and dinner.

 Day 2

Santa Marta – Quebrada del Sol

  • Breakfast
  • Walk to the Don Diego River, en where we will pass athrough deit, with the help of a raft.
  • Visit to pueblothe village Arhuaco Kandumake.
  • 12 : 00 m. approx. I return to the sidewalk for recibirellunch.
  • Return to the city of Santa Marta.


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

