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About us



The result of the union of seven villages that take the reins of community tourism in the region, to create a support network and provide a common but diverse service, which allows us to generate a productive alternative that contributes to economic sustenance and, above all, allow it to be a reference and mark a historical milestone throughout the territory.

We provide tourist experiences that directly contribute to improving the infrastructure and quality of life of our indigenous and peasant communities. We have demonstrated that our seven rural communities, under the principles of transparency, respect, solidarity and cooperation, can help each other grow, maintain our cultural heritage, generate hundreds of direct and indirect jobs and provide high quality services to our clients.

Destinations of peace

““Tourism for a culture of peace””

Every time you buy a tour here you help the community!

In this section we share details about our sustainability strategy, our future planning and the exciting community projects we have in mind to support our community.

We want to highlight the importance we give to sustainability in all our activities. We are committed to protecting the environment and strive to reduce our ecological footprint with every step we take. Our sustainability strategy is based on three fundamental pillars: caring for the environment, the well-being of our collaborators and positive contribution to the community.

We want to support our community in a meaningful and lasting way. We are planning initiatives that promote environmental education, sustainable development and improving the quality of life of people in our area. We want to be a source of inspiration and motivation for others to join the cause and together we build a more sustainable future.


In summary, our sustainability strategy is based on caring for the environment, the well-being of our collaborators and positive contributions to the community. We are committed to protecting the environment and are constantly looking for ways to be more sustainable in all our activities. Additionally, we are excited about the community projects we have in mind and hope to provide meaningful support to our community.

Result of
our union

Seven Paths

The result of the union of seven villages that take the reins of community tourism in the region, to create a support network and provide a common but diverse service, which allows us to generate a productive alternative that contributes to economic sustenance and, above all, allow it to be a reference and mark a historical milestone throughout the territory.

Our mission


“Facilitate unique and memorable travel experiences that enrich the lives of our clients and collaborators, at the same time, promote social responsibility, respect for cultural diversity and care for the environment in all our destinations. “We seek to promote sustainable and responsible tourism that has a positive impact on local communities, thus promoting economic development and creating social fabric in the destinations we visit”

Our values

Corporate Values




Social responsability



Ethical Compromise


Why we

Our vision

14% of profits donated

14% of all profits generated annually by Ecosierra Perdida Tours are distributed proportionally between seven trails located in the upper and lower part of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Quebrada del Sol, Casa de Tabla, El Mamey, La Aguacatera, San Martin , Honduras and Quebrada del Plátano), in this way we provide basic improvements in infrastructure and support local entrepreneurship, which therefore generates an economic livelihood for the peasant and indigenous communities of the territory.

Sustainability principles

Our tourism follows principles of sustainability, minimizing the impact on the environment and local culture, while contributing to generating income and jobs for the local population.

Educational projects

We are fully aware of the crucial role that education plays in advancement and development at both the individual and community levels. Therefore, at Ecosierra Perdida Tours, we partner closely with local educational institutions to implement educational projects and initiatives in our region. These initiatives include the "Tourism Friendly Schools" program. Additionally, we encourage and facilitate training in a wide range of areas to enrich the skills and competencies of our community.

Passionate journey

Ecosierra Perdida Tours offers its clients selected adventures that range from calm and spiritual to extreme and exciting, to ensure that you and your group of friends and/or family get exactly the experience you are looking for.

Our team

Professional Guides

Yuliana Bastos
Guía turístico
    Esneider Romero
    Guía turístico
      Erika Tovar Miranda
      Guía turístico
        Bleiner Galvis
        Guía turístico


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          184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
          Junction, NY 12533

