Located at Kilometer 43 of the Vía Santa Marta Riohacha, Colombia, at the entrance to the Path to the Lost City of Santa Marta, 23 kilometers just after Vereda el Mamey. It is the last peasant settlement before The Lost City of Santa Marta.Mostly Kogui peasant and indigenous community of approximately 280 inhabitants.Its community action board was created in 1991.Its main economic activity is livestock, tourism, coffee, agriculture and bread crops.The Kogui indigenous community is located there.The Waterfall Route tour takes place on the trail and you can interact with the Kogui indigenous community and visit 4 beautiful waterfalls: Cascada La Esmeralda, Cristalina, El Abanico and Pensamientos Tayrona.Thanks to the tourist development of the region, they have found opportunities to improve their quality of life by providing tourist services with the support of ASOJUNTAR and ECOSIERRA PERDIDA TOURS SAS BIC.
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