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Vereda Quebrada del Sol

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Vereda Quebrada del Sol

Located at Kilometer 52 of Vía Santa Marta Riohacha, Colombia. Going up the entrance to Los Linderos.

Kogui and Arhuaca peasant and indigenous community, mostly of approximately 800 inhabitants.

Its community action board was created in 1960.

Its main economic activity is livestock, tourism, agriculture and bread crops.

In it, poaldos of the Kogui, Arhuaca and peasant indigenous communities are located.

The Ancestral Thought tour takes place on the trail and where you can see the mighty Don Diego River, the “Tayrona” route, which is an adventure through the extensive humid tropical jungle replete with invaluable biological wealth and also You will learn up close the customs of the Peasant Community, and the Koguia and Arhuaca Ethnic Groups, heirs of the “Tayrona”, who still inhabit the territory and preserve their traditions.

Thanks to the tourist development of the region, they have found opportunities to improve their quality of life by providing tourist services with the support of ASOJUNTAR and ECOSIERRA PERDIDA TOURS SAS BIC.


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