Danilo Villafañe: The Heroism of a Leader who gave his Life for his Community

Learn in detail the story of the indigenous governor leader of the Arhuaco people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta – Danilo Villafañe, who lost his life in a heroic act while trying to rescue a young woman from his community.

Danilo Villafañe, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Irreparable Loss, Community Hero, Community Tours, Arhuaco people.

Irreparable Loss for the Community or the Arhuaco people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Danilo Villafañe, prominent indigenous leader and governor of the Arhuaco people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia lost his life in a tragic incident while sharing a family moment in the Perico Aguado area, between the beach and the Palomino River. The Arhuaca community and people mourn the loss of a valuable leader who dedicated his life to the well-being and development of his people.

Heroic Act in a Rescue Attempt

The first information indicates that Danilo Villafañe bravely jumped into the water in a desperate attempt to rescue Erika Izquierdo, a young woman from his community who drowned in the sea due to strong waves. Despite their heroic efforts, both lost their lives in the incident. Danilo Villafañe, Governor of the Arhuaco Cabildo of Magdalena and La Guajira, passed away

Mourning in Katanzama: Arhuaco Thought Center

The bodies of Danilo Villafañe and Erika Izquierdo were taken to Katanzama, the center of thoughts of the Arhuacos in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. This sacred place now becomes the meeting point to honor two lives that were extinguished in an act of sacrifice Defending life he died

Testimony of Gunna Chaparro, Danilo’s Wife

Gunna Chaparro, Danilo’s wife, shared her pain on Blu Radio, describing how Danilo immediately responded to his sister-in-law’s call for help when the 13-year-old girl was in danger. Her heroic act demonstrated her dedication to the community and her willingness to give her life for the safety of others. Testimony of Gunna Chaparro

Tribute from President Gustavo Petro

President Gustavo Petro expressed his sadness at the loss of Danilo Villafañe, highlighting the meetings they had to address the climate crisis and sustainable development in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Villafañe’s death leaves a void in the fight to protect the environment loved by the community and the Arhuaco indigenous people. Gustavo Petro also mourned the death of the Arhuaco leader Danilo Villafañe

Legacy of Danilo Villafañe in Community Tourism

Danilo was not only a leader, but also a defender of community tourism. He knows how his legacy lives on in the carefully designed tours that allow visitors to explore the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , connecting with the Arhuaca culture in a respectful and authentic way. </ Span >

Honoring the Legacy of a Community Hero

Danilo Villafañe left an indelible legacy by sacrificing himself for his community. His heroism and dedication to cultural preservation resonate in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Explore our tours in tribute to this brave leader and discover the authenticity and beauty of the region he loved.

At Ecosierra, we feel this loss as our own. For this reason, in honor of this great leader, we will continue working tirelessly to preserve and enhance each of the destinations we offer, as part of the region that he loved so much