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Saltillo de la Danta


The Sierra Nevada and Surroundings ​

The Saltillo de la Danta

The Saltillo de la Danta, This stunning waterfall is a unique place in the world and offers an unforgettable experience for all visitors.

Located in the middle of the rainforest, the Saltillo de la Danta is a true oasis of peace and tranquility. You can enjoy a relaxing and refreshing day in its crystal clear waters, surrounded by the lush flora and fauna of the region.

To get to the Saltillo de la Danta, you have to take a walk through the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, an experience that in itself is wonderful. If you are a nature lover, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit this place and experience everything you have to offer.

  • Food according to the selected plan
  • Guided
  • Travel insurance
  • Enter the reservation
  • Snack


Post Vereda Unión- Saltillo- Return to Entrance

  • Departure between 8:00am From the Finca la Nana
  • Ecological walk for 1 hour
  • Enjoy the Saltillo de la Danta Cascade
  • Refreshment
  • Return on ecological walk
  • Arrival to the Rio Guachaca bridge at approximately 12:00
  • If you chose the choice with lunch including lunches in the Chorro


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184 Mayfield St. Hopewell
Junction, NY 12533

